Articles and thoughts from Dr. Sandra

El Poder Detrás De La Gratitud!
Nov 26, 2021
En mi opinión vivir con gratitud es una decisión que tomas a diario, viendo los desafíos como oportunidades de crecimiento, para evolucionar y cambiar el egoísmo por amor, ver a los demás como espejos, dejar de juzgar y a cambio vivir con compasió...
We are moving all my old blog content to this website. All old and new articles will eventually appear here. Meanwhile, you can also read my old blog here.
The Power Behind Being Grateful!
Nov 25, 2021
As an opinion, for me to live with gratitude is a decision you make daily, seeing the challenges as opportunities to growth, to evolve and change s...
Why the Microbiome is key to be and stay heathy?
Nov 12, 2021
We are inhabited by an invisible cloud of microorganisms, one hundred trillion or more, they live as a perfect ecosystem within us interacting in h...
Aug 6, 2021
If you’re at all familiar with the Bible you’ll probably remember that in it God specifically instructed His people not to eat pork and shellfish (...
Are you happy? Easy tips to achieve a happy state more often!
Sep 11, 2020
Happiness is something everyone is looking for…isn’t it?? I don’t have the key for happiness, I think is a very personal state and a personal decis...
The Power of the Word!
Aug 2, 2017
Today I want to share and reflect on something that most people and therapists are unaware of when it comes to optimizing one's health or someone e...
Asparagus Vegan Soup!
Jun 27, 2017
Hi everyone! I got part of the recipe from Hippocrates Health Institute, a beautiful place to heal. Also, I studied there, I worked the...
Few reasons why it is very important to drink pure water!
May 4, 2017
We can all agree that water is essential for life and that we need water for almost everything. Many of us strive to drink at least 3 liters of wat...
The Trouble with Vaccines...
Apr 7, 2017
...and what you can do about it?
An argument is raging across this country, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Parents...
Tips to avoid acid reflux and have a better digestion
Jan 25, 2017
Most of us know that the food we eat is directly linked to the health of our digestive health and our immune system's ability to protect us. As a m...